(301) 668-5808

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3409A Urbana Pike

Frederick, MD 21704

How to Start a Small Business in MD

Starting a new business in Maryland is no easy task. Campen & Manganaro wants to see Frederick, Urbana, and all of Maryland’s other beautiful neighborhoods grow. Who doesn’t want a new bakery down the street, or new options for dogsitters when you go out of town? In meeting with an old friend who’s starting her own acupuncture business, I realized it might be helpful to create a list of tasks for all you entrepreneurs out there. Please see below, and good luck!

Samantha Manganaro & Courtney Luck meeting to discuss Courtney’s new acupuncture business.


  • Choose a Name – Pick something unique! Check these places to find out if someone is already using your name:  1) USPTO website at https://tmsearch.uspto.gov/bin/gate.exe?f=tess&state=4807:wzrohp.1.1;
    2) State Department of Assessments and Taxation website at https://sdat.resiusa.org/ucc-charter/Pages/CharterSearch/default.aspx; and 3) Remember to also check GOOGLE and other search engines. Trademarks exist even without registration.
  • Register Your Trade Name here: https://www.dat.state.md.us/sdatweb/nameappl.pdf -$75 with rush fee.
    HELPFUL HINT: It’s worth it to pay the extra money to rush paperwork with SDAT. And if you have the time, go to the office yourself, and file there.
  • Decide if you want to be an LLC or a Sole Proprietor. (This warrants an entirely separate blogpost, but a very bare bones description is this: As an LLC your personal assets are protected, but you’ll have to pay taxes, fees, and it’s more work. As a Sole Proprietor, you pay less and have to do less, but your personal assets are not protected. We can talk S Corps and C Corps later, but most small businesses don’t start that way typically because LLC’s are easier and cheaper to start up. You can always roll into a corporation.)

    Want to be an LLC?

Samantha Manganaro, Esq.

